Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct
At the Centro de Idiomas, we take our commitment to provide a safe and secure environment for students and teachers alike, very seriously. Our goal is to provide an appropriate atmosphere, conducive to productive teaching and learning. This can only be accomplished by assuring mutual respect between all participants. This respect will be demanded from all, regardless of their race, provenance, creed, gender, sexual orientation, disabilities, or any other existing distinctions. ​
Disrespect, harassment or other physical, verbal or digital forms of abuse will not be tolerated and be considered as inappropriate behaviour. This includes discriminatory or depreciative language, inappropriate physical contact, sexism, racism, or personal comments that causes offence to any participant, as well as the choice of elements on stands that may cause distress or offence to viewers. ​
At the Centro de Idiomas language school we believe in self-expression and do not apply a specific dress code, though it will be deemed disrespectful to attend showing visible lack of hygiene. It will be unacceptable to attend bearing a contagious disease that could be transmitted to other attendees. We request your responsibility. ​
Centro de Idiomas retains the right to take action against anyone who does not respect this Code of Conduct during classes, makes the environment hostile for any participant student or teacher. Actions that can be taken include, but are not limited to, refusing entry or removing the individual(s) from the class/course. If you observe or experience a violation, please inform a member of staff. ​
At Centro de Idiomas language school, we wish to create a positive environment of mutual respect and professionalism. It is our mission to assure this for and with you.
We are one community!